Check the x-rated insults! ;)
Check the x-rated insults! ;)
Really ok for first time visiting korea. But only formal forms are used
This is the best app for learning Korean and I cant believe its free!!!Thank you
I would give it 5 stars if it had phonetic spelling of the words. You need to have decent knowledge of korean symbols for this to be very helpful.
I cant believe this is free! The insults section is particularly fun. There are multiple ways to view each word/sentence so you can see it with the translation or without. You can even listen to a voice recording of it! Finally! A Korean language App that DOESNT have those crappy romanizations next to every word.
I cant believe a program this useful is free!
I love it !
Its really good and has good stuff. I only downloaded it after watching the korean show We Got Married and Ga-In said the "i want to kiss you and take a dump on your chest" phrase! So funny!
TOTALLY WORTH IT I just git it and i ALREADY learned how to say Good After noon, hello, good bye and Yaaaaa I LUV IT
I takes care of all the basics and then some, best of all it is free. The only thing stopping me from giving it 5 stars is the audio could be a little better. Seems like the bit rate quality is a little low so it can be a little hard to understand specifics of a word or two. This is a must have app for people traveling to korea or trying to learn a few phrases quickly.
Overall a great app. I just wish that the audio was slower and that there was romanization for all the non native speakers. However I think I still get my point across with some key mumblings
great interface design: love the vocal aspect, the landscape tilt for large written message, and all the subject headings are simple to navigate.
Im so pleased with this app. Ive been on Korea for four years and one day with this helped me to correct some simple grammar mistakes that people had been letting me slide on... Im thrilled there is no romanization, its the only way truly get a language
Good app. I like how easy it is to use but it needs to speak slower. Its hard to translate over for non Korean speakers. If it did pronounce the words slower it would be perfect.
Most definitely anyone who has intent on using particular Korean phrases for certain occasions will find this app totally worth the buck. I got it in version 1.1 for free but definitively would’ve spent the dollar for it. I possible con for some is that there isn’t any romanization of the Korean. So unless you can read 한글(Korean) like me, you’ll have to use the speaker for guidance. Another con would be that you cannot slow down the speaker—generally spoken fast. Regardless, this makes a great supplementary and situation dependant app. If you are interested in learning Korean, I would recommend the Byki Korean. This is another supplementary learning tool that uses virtual flash cards to in an intuitive way to help you memorize vocabulary.
I read all the reviews before I purchased this app and Im immensely pleased. It was only a buck! My only suggestion to the developer would be to include the English phonetic spelling of the Korean word or phrase. Some of the categories like flirting, gay, and insults were pretty funny! It has the essentials too. I would definitely recommend this app!
I like it because Jo Kwon of 2AM has this app installed in his iPhone (: Wow I feel lucky coz I had this app for free, and now its $.99?
It isnt too helpful in learning the language as it was helpful learning how to say vulgar things. More than half the phrase are "flirting" and insults. It funny but not useful. More grammar and USEFUL phrase for five stars.
Your better off trying to learning from a person they have more words.
Thank you so much. This app helped me learn Korean easier, still working on it. I also got Tagalog, my mom is going to start talking only Tagalog.